Monday 19 September 2011

PITCH - Plot, Characters, Location

Herrington Country Park

For our music video we decided to go for partly a countryside feel and partly a documentary feel. Some of the shots in the video are going to be taken in a location similar to the above, Herrington Country Park. We have a few places in mind for these shots such as Mowbray Park, Tunstal Hill and a few place in Seaham. We intend to visit these places and get some test shots to see which location films the best! The reason we intend to go with the countryside feel is to match the style of music which is quite folk and old-style. The documentary style of the music video is to break the video up so it does not get repetative. We plan on filming the band out and about, without performing or acting for the camera, just being themselves, "messing about". We hope this will make the video more realistic and fun! Other ideas we have had include filming the band in an empty venue (possibly Bar One, a bar in the city centre), performing the song and perhaps then filming other people on their way to see the band. We hope to be able to include all three of these ideas somehow!
If these ideas do not turn out as expected when filming the video, we have thought out a back up storyline which will include a girl and some kind of relationship storyline which would also work with another song we have in mind.

The genre for our video, we feel, is a kind of 'indie/folk' style as this is the style of music we have went for.

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