Thursday 15 December 2011

Feedback on Music Video!

As a way of getting feedback from our target audience on our music video, we decided to create a questionnaire/survey for them to fill in. We did this using the Google Docs application: an option on the Google website that allows you to create professional, online questionnaires. After getting some replies from the questionnaire, Google Docs collated the data into pie charts and graphs, enabling us to interpret the data better. From the results we found that most of our target audience enjoyed watching the music video and in particular, liked the story line, the reverse effect we used and the overall style of the video. The one thing they would have liked to have seen was a band/singer singing the song. They thought the story line was easy to understand, the genre was made obvious, and they would rate it no lower than an 8.

For anyone else wishing to give us feedback on our video, here is the questionnaire!

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