Wednesday 19 October 2011

Inspirational Text

For another inspirational text for the CD cover, I have chosen the Adele album 19.
The main thing that caught my attention about this cover was Adele's face and how it's almost in the shadow's. I think this gives the CD cover a real mysterious feel and will make the audience want to know more!
Like most of the other inspirational texts I have chosen, this has also used a very minimal colour palette which I think just gives it a more professional look. I think sometimes when too much colour is used, there can be too much going on and the audience don't know which part to focus on. With a CD cover such as this, there is an obvious, main focal point and I think it does a good job of drawing the audience in.
As on any traditional CD cover, there is only the artist's name and the album name. Adele's name is in quite a traditional font and is white, which contrasts hugely with the all black background. The album title '19' is in a different font to the name, which I think is quite important as, since they are both quite close to each other, it could become a little confusing to the consumer if they were to just glance at the cover. The album title is also in a slightly different colour (light, baby pink) which not only helps separate the artist's name from the album name but I think the dash of colour just makes it stand out that little bit more!

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