Thursday, 15 December 2011
Evaluation, Question 4.
Evaluation, Question 1.
Feedback on Music Video!
Wednesday, 14 December 2011
Audience Feedback from Print Task!
After finishing our print task, we decided to film a focus group to get feedback from our target audience. As stated earlier, we found our target audience to be the younger generation, aged 16-20, both male and female and interested in indie style music. For this reason, we chose particular people within our class who we felt matched the description. In order to start discussions, we gave them a range of topics to talk about including the style of the images; the style of the font used; the use of the two different locations; likes/dislikes and a rate out of 10. We then left the camera to film in order to get honest opinions from the group. We then asked another group (fitting our target audience) to write down things they would change about the task and things they thought worked well.
The first group thought the locations fitted well together and liked how the images looked quite vintage. They all agreed that seeing the magazine advertisement in a real magazine would definitely catch their attention and get them interested which means we have captured our target audience!
The second group thought the print task seemed organised and that all images and locations worked well together. They said it all seemed to link together perfectly and the font suited the overall style.
Monday, 12 December 2011
Final Print Task
Back Cover
Insert going behind the CD
Post Card
Post Card
Post Card
Post Card
Magazine Advertisement
Here is our final print task: our CD front cover, back cover, inserts and post cards and our magazine advertisement.
Thursday, 8 December 2011
Results of Audience Research
The spreadsheet above shows the results of our survey for our Audience Research. It clearly shows that the majority of our audience are under 18 years old and mostly listen to folk style music, which is the style of music video we wanted to achieve. It also shows that our audience enjoy reading the music magazine NME, they listen to music often and are more likely to buy their music from their local music store than download it from iTunes.
Monday, 28 November 2011
Audience Research
In order to distinguish our target audience and find out more about the people who are likely to watch and enjoy our music video, we have created a survey using Google Docs. It is an online survey relating to the music interests of our audience and we would greatly appreciate it if you would take the time to fill it out.
Thank you!
Thank you!
Editing the video
Wednesday, 16 November 2011
Filming has begun
Final actors
Monday, 7 November 2011
Inspirational Text
Inspirational Videos
As said in the post before, we are looking at having an aged, vintage effect throughout our music video. After searching on YouTube for videos with this effect, I came across the two above. The reason I chose these for my blog is because of the location; both videos are set in a field which is where our video will partly be set. As well as that, they also have the old-style effect throughout so it gives the audience a really good image of what we hope the finished product will look like.
Reverse Effect
For part of our music video, we are hoping to incorporate a "reverse effect". We decided to film me and another member of the group at the beach and attempt to add on the reverse effect to see if it could work. We also attempted to add on a sepia effect as the look we are going for, for our music video, is quite old-style. The programme we used to edit the clip is Adobe Premiere Pro CS4. The above video is not the best quality and just a practise clip to give the audience a feel of what the outcome will hopefully look like!
Wednesday, 19 October 2011
Inspirational Text
For another inspirational text for the CD cover, I have chosen the Adele album 19.
The main thing that caught my attention about this cover was Adele's face and how it's almost in the shadow's. I think this gives the CD cover a real mysterious feel and will make the audience want to know more!
Like most of the other inspirational texts I have chosen, this has also used a very minimal colour palette which I think just gives it a more professional look. I think sometimes when too much colour is used, there can be too much going on and the audience don't know which part to focus on. With a CD cover such as this, there is an obvious, main focal point and I think it does a good job of drawing the audience in.
As on any traditional CD cover, there is only the artist's name and the album name. Adele's name is in quite a traditional font and is white, which contrasts hugely with the all black background. The album title '19' is in a different font to the name, which I think is quite important as, since they are both quite close to each other, it could become a little confusing to the consumer if they were to just glance at the cover. The album title is also in a slightly different colour (light, baby pink) which not only helps separate the artist's name from the album name but I think the dash of colour just makes it stand out that little bit more!
Time Management
We decided to plan out all of the deadlines for our project on a calender so we could get an actual image of how long we had to meet these deadlines! We also added reminders for things such as photo shoots for our print tasks and dates in which all of the group and our actors were free to shoot the music video.
Thursday, 13 October 2011
Inspirational Text
Monday, 10 October 2011
Inspirational Text - Magazine Advert

Inspirational Text - Album Art
Whilst looking on the internet for examples of album art, I came across the two above that have inspired me and my group to rethink our album cover. We have already designed our flat plan for the album cover but we are constantly trying to improve upon our idea to get the best out of our project!
The first album cover is for the Deftones album named Diamond Eyes. This caught my attention as soon as I saw it, I find the detail of the owl amazing! I also love how it is in mid-flight and think it really captures the moment perfectly. The colour palette is very minimal which I think keeps the overall feel of the cover quite professional, which is what we are planning on doing with ours.
However, the chances of us managing to get a photo like this are quite low! This is where the next album cover caught my attention, which is an album by an artist named Robyn called Indestructable. The actress we are featuring in our music video actually has a tattoo covering her right shoulder; the tattoo is an image of a large feather which has little pieces falling off the feather which transform into birds flying away. The above image is a perfect inspirational text for this idea as if we were able to get the actress to stand in a similar pose/position as Robyn, we feel we could get a really strong photo for our album art!
Monday, 3 October 2011
E-Mailing the music company
Plan B!
Wednesday, 28 September 2011
Flat Plan - CD/Album Cover
Flat Plan - Magazine Advertisement
Monday, 26 September 2011
Feedback of my blog so far...
Monday, 19 September 2011
PITCH - Roles, Camera shot's, Costume
PITCH - Images of location
PITCH - Plot, Characters, Location
PITCH - Moodboard
Thursday, 15 September 2011
And another
Another idea my group came up with was to have some kind of story line for the video. We thought it could make the video more interesting to watch if there was something else going on other than just the band performing; we thought it would give the audience something to think about.
I chose this video as an inspirational text as I believe it does not only show how a story line can work well in a video, but it also shows how simplicity, in terms of editing, can also be a good thing in music videos.
Throughout the video, there are many extreme close-ups used and at times a slow motion effect can be spotted. However, when it comes to the transitions from one clip to another, it is often a plain and simple straight cut. Often when watching music videos you can get many 'fades', 'dissolves' or 'wipes' to cut from one clip to another which I sometimes think looks a little 'too much'. With the genre of music and the style of the video we are going for, I think simple could be best.
An inspirational text
First things first
After reading the briefs, I decided I'd like to try my hand at making a music video! Me and two others are teaming up for this piece and will hopefully be able to pull together something good.
After a little discussion, we decided it would be more original to go for a more local, 'unheard of' band. This way we would also be able to have the actual band feature in the video which would make it more realistic and professional. The band we are looking at go by the name of Reckoner; the band consists of two members, one of which is a friend of mine.
You can watch a recording of 'When Will She Find Home' by Reckoner, just posted above or you can hear some of their recordings here -
"How have you progressed from AS to A2?"
I passed AS Media Studies with a grade C. My media studies coursework entailed creating an original music magazine from scratch - a front cover, a contents page and a double page spread (which is shown above.)
In terms of digital technology, I feel my skills have massively progressed in the past year. On starting the year, I had to quickly grasp the use of Photoshop and the huge amount of tools that came with it! I feel I achieved this quite quickly and I now feel comfortable and confident enough to use the software in any aspect of my work that I can. In regards to digital technology this year, I am very keen to learn how to record and edit videos. This is a completely different task to the work I was doing last year and I look forward to possessing this skill for any time I may need it in the future!